Fed-Ex Day: March 20th

In preparation for Tuesday afternoon’s portion of the In-Service, please watch the videos below from author Daniel H. Pink. The ideas stem from the work of his book, Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us.

***Watch from 5:00 minutes on……..

RSA Animate — Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us from Daniel Pink on Vimeo.

Two questions that can change your life from Daniel Pink on Vimeo.

TASK: Write your sentence! After you complete your sentence, post it here: http://corkboard.me/XPvBwofE1B
Read the following key points from Drive and consider how they relate to your professional work as well as how they can help shape what we do with students.

1. Autonomy – self direction in your work

* We want ENGAGEMENT with the job (or with learning in the classroom), not just compliance
* Ways to provide autonomy include choices in:
-Task – choose the product to work on
-Technique – decide how you would like to complete the task
-Team – choose who you would like to work with
-Time – decide how you will use time to meet your goals

2. Mastery – the desire to get better at what we do
-Practice musical instruments over the weekend; why are you doing it?
-Running marathons? Why? You’re not getting paid
-Think of the many things you want to achieve in your role as teacher – we all want to be better at what we do!

3. Purpose – an overarching reason for doing the work we do
-What is our transcending purpose?

Today, your task is to be self-directed in your learning. Be productive. Live your sentence. Ask, am I better today than yesterday? Seek mastery in your role. Remember our ultimate purpose. The only rule? You must deliver. A product…a project….ideas….actions.

Daniel Pink calls providing this autonomous time for innovation a “Fed-Ex Day”…..employees choose what to work on, with whom, and however they’d like. The only rule? They must deliver something: a new idea, a better process, a refined lesson plan….etc.

As you work today, consider the following:
* Task – choose tasks that will benefit and impact student learning
* Technique –  Design your lessons and activities and project work in your own way, so long as the end result is a benefit to students.
* Team – Work with anyone you want to work with this afternoon – you do not need to work with your grade level teams. Consult with the many knowledgable people in our school! Individuals that choose not to collaborate will still be responsible for ‘delivering’. Consider the importance of collaborative efforts!
* Time – Use your time as you see fit. You’re free to head home at 2:20pm.

Last Task: Deliver! Before Friday, please complete the following Google Form. We will use this information to share at our next faculty meeting the things we’ve created & accomplished this afternoon.