Week 19: 01/07/13 – 01/11-13

Quoted From Venspired:
The best part about a New Year is that it always feels like a fresh start. No matter what. We turn the page, finish one calendar and start another. We try to start remembering to put the right year when we write the date (I’m sure most of us will be writing 2012/2013 tomorrow on our boards!).

2012 was a year full of memorable moments—may your 2013 be a year of “new”….
new ideas, new connections, new challenges, new gratitude, new perspectives.

As we embark on the second half of the school year, I encourage everyone to take some time and reflect on your performance since the beginning of the school year. The KEEP, STOP, and DO activity always helps me reflect on my practices; both professional & personal. What do I want to keep doing? What do I want to stop doing? What do I want to start doing?

Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, January 7th:
Welcome Back!
Winter Benchmarking begins

Tuesday, January 8th:
Faculty Meeting @ 2:30pm *email Melissa or Donna with any items to add to the agenda*

Wednesday, January 9th:
SLBC to Jewel
SEL 8th Grade Buddies visit 3rd Grade at Kennedy
Assessment Common Plan (*Review Cycle 3 assessment results*)

Thursday, January 10th:
Celebrations Committee Meeting @ 2:30pm (Room 104)
District RTI Committee Meeting @ 3:45pm (District Office Conference Room)
Happy Birthday Ricardo Cano 🙂 

Friday, January 11th:
Happy Birthday Nicole Smit 🙂
5 by Friday

Here are some New Years activities I found on Pinterest. Click on each picture for more info: