Week 34: 04/29/13 – 05/03/13

I hope everyone enjoyed this beautiful weekend! I’d like you to try a challenge. First, divide a piece of paper into three columns. In the first column, make a list of  all your students. Try not to use alphabetical order, line order, or table groups to help you remember. Just write the names as they come to mind.

Then, in the middle column, next to each child’s name, write one thing you know that child likes to do or cares passionately about.

In the third column, make a star if you’re sure the child knows that you know this about him/her.

The results of this activity can be quite humbling. There may have been 1 or 2 students whose names didn’t come to you right away in the first column—That’s a sign that you need to spend more time with them.

In the second column, you may have had difficulty knowing an interest….This shows that you may need to find out more about that child’s gifts & hopes—maybe lunch with the teacher, extra time to chat at arrival, or being together during Friday Free Time.

The names without stars in the third column show that one cannot assume students know that we care about and appreciate their talents & interests….we need to connect with them!

Students who have positive relationships with their teachers TRUST. Knowing students well is essential if you want to engage them (and their parents) in working with you to address or change any problematic behaviors. Building positive teacher-student relationships is work that continues throughout the school year, and one of the aspects of teaching where there’s always room to improve. Give this exercise a try!

Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, April 29th
2nd Grade Field Trip to Shedd Aquarium
Spring Benchmarking Begins
Reading Room Testing Begins

Tuesday, April 30th
1st/Multiage Field Trip to Stahl Family Theater
Wendy’s Night 5:00pm-8:00pm

Wednesday, May 1st
PreK (Rms 112/135) Field Trip to North Park Village Nature Center
1st Grade Buddies Trip to LMS @ 9:30am

Thursday, May 2nd
PreK/PATS Field Trip to Lincoln Park Zoo
Kindergarten Young Authors Day @ 1:00pm
SLT Meeting @ 3:00pm
Happy Birthday Abelardo Cano 🙂 

Friday, May 3rd
3rd Grade Trip to Cubs Game
Happy Birthday Molly McSorley 🙂

(05/04) Happy Birthday Abby Ptak 🙂