Week 36: 05/11/20 – 05/15/20

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WOW! What an amazing parade! It was such an incredible feeling to see the support and love from the District 81 community! Parents and students lined the parade route, and even our SD81 community members without students in our district came out to show their support and love for our school district. It was the most heartwarming, loving hours that I can say, without a doubt, will leave a lasting memory in my heart. It’s one of the most memorable, special days in my professional career, and I’m sure many of you feel the same. Thank you for the 82 Kennedy staff members who participated in the parade! I’m sure you can attest that it was an emotional day, filled with love, happiness, smiles, tears — and while it wasn’t the way we wanted to end our school year, it gave us a sense of closure and gave us all the desired opportunity to see our students one last time (albeit driving by and waving). It was a wonderful day where the community of District 81 came together as one. Thank you to Dr. B, Pasquale, Mike Deany & our SRO Roger Orozco and the police department for making this day possible! I’m still smiling from ear to ear, just thinking about the day and how much love it brought to our students, parents, community members and staff….heck, even strangers who were driving were waving at us, clapping and commending our dedicated staff for showing up for the parade! Screen Shot 2020-05-10 at 8.20.37 PM Screen Shot 2020-05-10 at 8.20.30 PM Screen Shot 2020-05-10 at 8.20.15 PM

Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, May 11th
Happy Birthday Alena Craft 🙂
SPED Articulation Meetings

Tuesday, May 12th

Wednesday, May 13th
Happy Birthday John Grobe 🙂
CPT Meetings

Thursday, May 14th
Kennedy Field Days
Kennedy’s Virtual Talent Show

Friday, May 15th
Kennedy Field Days