Week 18: 01/08/24 – 01/12/24

Your Kubbies may be feeling the same way you are feeling about returning to school after a longer Winter Break!  (Waking up early and getting back to normal school routines can be challenging, especially on a snowy morning)…… 

Just like we shared at yesterday’s Institute Day….. go back to your plans from the beginning of the school year and mirror them these next few days! Relationshipscommunity building, and routines should be the goal! Connect with your kiddos! You will have a whole class that is excited to see you! 

Give them all the love and show them how much you missed them and how happy you are to see them! This week is about renewing those connections and giving them all the love. 
Have a great 1st day back with students!

Here’s our week at a glance:

Monay, January 8th
Institute Day – No Student Attendance
Happy Birthday Nancy Weir 🙂

Tuesday, January 9th
School Resumes for Students

Wednesday, January 10th
Happy Birthday Jeanne Keifer 🙂
CPT Meetings

Thursday, January 11th
2nd Grade Field Trip to Cernan Space Center (Wartner, Thornb, Zoladz, Makaris) – 9:15am – 11:15am
3rd Grade to LMS for BUDDIES Activity (10:05am-11:20am)

Friday, January 12th
PreK Screening
Kindergarten to Washington for 5th Grade Buddies Activity (8:45am-10:15am)

(01/15) NO SCHOOL